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AIRUSH Ultra V4 – ultra leicher Kite zum foilen oder freeriden – die No. 1 bei Airush !! Aktion auf Lagerware 6.0 /8.0/10m2 12m = Ultra V5 2024/25
Ultimativ leichtes Design für Foil, Freeride und Surf.
Einzigartige Kombination aus Stabilität und reaktionsschnellem Antrieb.
Leistungsstarke, leichte Single Strut Geometrie.
- Perfect freeride foil capabilities.
- The lightest kite we have ever made.
- Improved high-end performance in larger sizes.
The Ultra has redefined our lofty expectations of what a kite can do. The light weight and stability have opened up places we could never have kited, in marginal conditions we would not have considered kiteable.
With unbeatable performance, weight saving features, and an exclusive Airush Load Frame for maximum durability, the Ultra kite has been the go-to kite for foil riders, wave riders and snow kiters alike.
When considering the Ultra evolution, a focus on segmentation reduction through the canopy and leading edge Lightweight Single Strut geometry increases the skin tension per panel. Fewer segments result in more tension between each segment point. This increases the responsiveness of the Ultra V2, while maintaining stability.